What are the 4 spheres of earth

There are four spheres of earth and we will learn about each in detail. Spheres of Earth The hydrosphere Hydro means water. The Hydrosphere includes all the water that covers our planet. There is a lot of water. Seriously, there is a lot of it and scientists say the total amount of water on Earth … Read more

What are plate boundaries | Plate tectonics

All major interactions among individual plates are gonna occur after boundaries. That’s where they’re actually intersecting. Divergent plate boundaries two plates are gonna be moving apart. So it’s constantly being pulled apart. This is what we refer to as seafloor spreading. These are what we refer to and call constructive merchants because new material is … Read more

Different types of Volcanic eruptions | Lava Flows

We’re gonna talk about volcanic eruptions. Some factors that affect viscosity are the temperature. So hotter magmas are less viscous. Which means they flow more. Composition by composition means silica content. High silica high viscosity. Which means it doesn’t flow. Low silica, more fluid. Gas content affects the Magma’s mobility. Gases expand near the surface … Read more